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It can be tempting trying to install wallpaper as a DIY project. However,  hanging wallpaper is a delicate craft. Mistakes and careless installation can be costly. We therefore strongly recommend that you hire a professional and experienced wallpaper installer who understands that a high-quality result requires careful planning, proper preparation and expertise. A professional wallpaper installer is NOT a contractor or painter who claims to know how to hang wallpapers. Taking time to source an expert will pay off and can save you frustration and money in the long run. To find a professional who is providing high-end wallcovering installation in your area you can check with The Wallcovering Installers Association: ( You might also like to have a look at the installation skills by Renovart  ( for London UK and the Wallcover Guru ( for Washington USA.



Please note that we can not be held responsible for wallpaper installers or the hanging of your wallpaper. Each customer must ensure themselves of the professionalism of their wallpaper installer. Always hand them the installation instructions that come with your wallpaper. It is the responsibility of the wallpaper installer to ensure that the wallpaper is installed correctly and to check there are no visible faults. We strongly recommend that you are present whilst your wallpaper is being hanged to make sure that you are happy with the installation. After hanging 2 or 3 lengths of your wallpaper, inspect the results to ensure that there is no shading or any faults. Also, make sure that there are no site or hanging related issues like visible gaps from the wall or visible seams. If you, or any party acting upon your instructions has an issue with the first drops installed STOP the installation and get in touch with us immediately. Do NOT hang all the wallpaper prior to contacting us if you are not satisfied with the first result! Please note that information given in our specifications or hanging advice, whether verbal or written is for guidance and is given in good faith but without warranty. Site conditions and levels of skill in application are beyond our control. 


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Hanging wallpaper is a delicate craft. Please have your wallpaper installed by a professional and experienced wallpaper installer. Whilst crafting beautiful, high-quality products is of great importance to us, a slight shift in colour may occur for each batch during manufacture. Therefore make sure you're ordering all the rolls you’ll need in one goOrdering additional rolls at a later date may result in that batch being sold out. We strongly recommend getting some hanging advice from a decorator to take the correct wall measurements and helping you to calculate the correct amount of wallpaper needed. If you need assistance in calculating the required roll estimate, please get in touch with us prior to placing your order. It is also highly recommended to order a sample of the wallpaper or fabric you are interested in before making your final purchase. Colours and pattern dimensions may appear to be different on screen. For more information please see our FAQ page or get in touch with us.
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